Merit Badge University
One Day (possible 4 periods)
Please talk with your Scoutmaster before signing up! Your Scoutmaster needs to sign-off your blue card for each merit badge.
Choose from possibilities of: ( Counselors confirmed )
- Citzn Community
- Citzn Nation
- Citzn World
- Communication – 2 periods
- First Aid
- Basketry
- Chess
- Coin Collecting
- Collections
- Crime Preventions
- Fingerprinting – 1 period
- Fire Safety
- Geocaching
- Indian Lore
- Geology – 2 periods
- Law
- Leatherwork
- Music
- Pioneering
- Space Exploration
- Scouting Heritage
- Rail Roading
- Traffic Safety
- Weather
- Wood Carving
If you are a Counselor and would like to host any of the above or a badge of your choice that could be nearly complete in one day, please contact :